The Case For Language School Management Software

Administrative and management challenges facing language schools

As soon as they start to succeed, all language schools, and summer schools, face similar problems. The growth of student and course numbers quickly turns into an administrative burden. 

Very quickly, a school can end up with disconnected spreadsheets, labour-intensive data-entry processes and inaccurate data. Most of the time this leads to telephone calls to double-check customer details and also creates issues with invoicing and matching payments to bookings. Obviously, all of this is time-consuming and costly for the business and gives the customer a poor experience.

How language school software helps with enrolment

For the school's administrators, a fully bespoke online enrolment system can help with all of these problems, and provide added benefits that schools may never have considered. With the click of a single button, a school should be able to accept and process approved enrolments; automatically check applicant criteria such as age, gender, nationality and their ability in English; make live changes to courses and pricing; and take payments straight to their bank account. All of this from any device, anywhere, at any time – in school, at home or on the move. 

In addition, a smart system should also be able to automate reminders for visa, travel and transfer details and prompt for outstanding payments, increasing conversion rates and reducing workload and administrative costs. Conversion rates rise because the customer experience is far better. With an online solution, prospective students can browse, choose, apply and pay for courses anywhere in the world, on any device. Because it operates in real-time, the application system should also only show available courses, avoiding disappointment, and students can also choose their accommodation, transfers, trips and extras at the same time. And if they do need to pause during their application, a smart system should help them pick up where they left off with course details, and also give help and reminders for things like travel documents and payments.

How enrolment software helps with administration

  1. Course Management - An online solution should help you easily manage and edit your courses, while also offering a number of smart solutions: class registers are generated automatically for teachers, who can then log attendance on mobile devices; photo identity cards are created automatically for each student, as are certificates when they complete courses. Away from the classroom, accommodation is automatically processed from application details along with airport transfer lists, with photo ID for easy identification.
  2. Payment Management – With a smart system, payments made online are automatically recorded against the student or agent's record, and offline payments made by cheque or cash can also be entered against the applicant. The system should also give you easy access to real-time information on payments received, due and outstanding and, when needed, automatic chaser emails for balance payment can be sent, with agent discounts automatically applied. And because the system handles the whole payment process, no invoicing or paperwork is needed, although invoices can be generated if required.
  3. Communications - A smart solution should do the bulk of your communication for you. With automated emails you no longer need to chase outstanding details or payments. Prompts can be set up to approve, accept or decline applications, which can be pre-screened by the system. And everything that goes out in your company's name should also look good with email templates carrying your branding, easy for you to set up and edit.
  4. 24/7 Accessibility - Even when your school is closed, a smart online solution allows everyone - you, your staff and applicants - to access the system anywhere and at any time on any device. Editable permissions ensure that only the right people have access to the right data and pages and the best solution should also let you have as many users as you need, at no extra cost.

How enrolment software helps with Reporting 

The best enrolment solutions should offer standardised and custom reports at no extra cost. Having access to real-time data means that you always have accurate, up-to-the minute information, giving you the agility to edit courses or prices at the press of a button. Imagine having all of these things at your fingertips: course bookings, transfer lists, accommodation, class registers, payment and financial details.

Costs and charges for language school enrolment software

It is impossible for one system to cater for all schools so any solution should offer flexibility. Some older systems run on a licence-based 'Software as a Service' basis, where the ongoing cost of that licence, or multiple licences, can become considerable. A one-off build cost with small annual fee for support and hosting is usually better as it takes into account the bespoke nature of most schools' requirements upfront, and then allows for as many users of the system as a school needs, rather than charging on a ‘licence per user' basis.

A revolution in language school enrolment systems

Some companies have been offering solutions in this space since the late 1980s. Initially their systems integrated Microsoft Access, Word and Excel with various accounting and email systems. Subsequent versions incorporated SQL server upgrades and bolt-on updates for statistics, reporting and cloud storage and they are only now retro-fitting web-based solutions. Many of these fixes have worked, but some have led to compromise. 

Resirva was built from scratch to revolutionise the online enrolment market. Resirva does everything a language or summer school enrolment system should do, making it easier for applicants to book and much easier for the school to manage. Put simply, Resirva allows you to administer an entire enrolment simply by clicking ‘accept’. Everything else is then managed for you.

Resirva's two-stage booking process

Stage 1 - Applicants (students, parents or agents) choose their courses and are asked to submit their basic information. Because the applicant enters the data, you know it's accurate, which saves a lot of time and avoids data entry and those chaser phone calls. Resirva also automatically checks the applicant’s data against criteria set by the school for each course (age, nationality, gender, standard of English) and sends automatic recommendations to the school, which simply accepts or declines the application. Declined applicants are notified automatically. Successful applicants are invited to the next stage of enrolment, safe in the knowledge that their place is reserved.

Stage 2 - Applicants complete additional information online and finalise their course, accommodation and transfer choices. Resirva prompts them by email until all details are complete. Payments are made simply, quickly and securely online and the money is transferred directly to the school's bank account, including for complex multiple bookings, and agent discounts can be applied automatically. Resirva reminds applicants when and how much they need to pay. It even generates and sends visa and border documentation as well as reminders until complete. And for those unable to apply online, it can also handle paper-based applications.

How Resirva runs your courses

Once the registration stage is complete, Resirva helps you to run classes more efficiently with all of the automated benefits outlined above: class registers, certificates, identity cards, accommodation details, airport transport lists, ensuring accurate data for class teachers and administration staff. You then have complete control over all of your content and reporting. You can train staff easily and grant different permission levels, set up standard and customised reports and have as many administrative users as you need at no extra cost. And because all of this is browser-based and responsive you can access Resirva at school, at home or on the move on any device.

Resirva transforms things for applicants too. They can browse, choose or book from any of their devices at any time, and because Resirva manages bookings in real-time there’s never a danger of overbooking a class.

Secure Payment Solution in partnership with Flywire

Trusted by thousands of schools and millions of students around the globe, Flywire is the safest, most convenient way to make international education payments to institutions worldwide. Resirva is delighted to off full integration with the Flywire platform, allowing students to avoid unexpected fees; pay in their home currency; track their payments and access 24/7 support. For language schools, Flywire’s secure solution helps with the tracking, identification and matching of all payments, which are all full payments, and saves the cost of bank and merchant fees.

Partnering with Flywire in the area of course payment puts Resirva at the cutting edge of schools enrolment software solutions. Their payment platform is also fully backed up by 24/7 multi-lingual customer service support and a powerful global payment network that supports 150 currencies across 240 countries and territories. We are proud with Resirva, your payments are in safe hands. 

How Enrolment software provides Secure hosting for your data

A secure online admissions and enrolment system like Resirva gives you the peace of mind that all of your school and student data is locked away in secure cloud servers, fully backed up and recoverable. 

No more sleepless nights wondering what would happen if all of those physical box files and folders were to go up in smoke. 

Resirva is, in itself, a reliable solution. This fact, together with our own server array held in a secure server facility, enables us to maintain website and content management system availability in excess of 99.9%. Resirva has access to bandwidth which provides a very large margin over average requirements, enabling us to reliably handle extremely high peak traffic loads.

Servers are supported on a 24/7 basis and all sites are also monitored on a continuous basis. Should it fail to respond within any 30-second period, one of our technical team is alerted and the fault investigated. Outages are usually extremely short but should the fault need deeper investigation Redwing ensures that the issue is rectified in the shortest time possible.

Full training and support

Providing an online software solution is not a case of ‘one size fits all’. That is why Redwing, the creators of Resirva, offer a comprehensive support package, which starts with your free demo. By going through a fully consultative process with every language or summer school we work with upfront, we also maximise our training and support. Subject to GDPR rules, every Resirva client receives all the training and help they need in onboarding their data, and then in learning how to fully use the system to maximise all of its benefits, with ongoing support also provided by our team, which is officially available Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm but, within reason, also helps outside of normal hours. Resirva also benefits from Flywire’s comprehensive 24/7 support in the crucial area of payment and the payment platform you use
Resirva packages

There are four main Resirva packages and they all deliver proven Return On Investment: 

  • Resirva Standard - delivers all of the core benefits of an online admissions and enrolment system, as listed above
  • Resirva Bespoke – as above, tailored to meet your school's precise and individual requirements
  • Resirva Plus Standard - Resirva Standard with your school's website redesigned and fully integrated with Resirva
  • Resirva Plus Bespoke - Resirva Plus Standard, with additional Resirva tailoring to meet your school's precise and individual requirements).

To find out more about Resirva and the packages available, request a free demonstration.

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